What Screen Resolution to Get in a Business Monitor?

For basic office use, 1080p resolution should suffice, in a monitor up to 27 inches in panel size. You can also find roomy 32-inch-class monitors with 1080p native resolution, and they are perfectly fine for everyday use, though 1080p may look a tad coarse at that screen size to discriminating eyes, especially for displaying fine text.

Users who work with detailed images or large spreadsheets may want to go with a WQHD monitor, which offers 2,560-by-1,440-pixel resolution, typically at a diagonal screen measurement of 27 to 32 inches. (This resolution is also called "1440p.") Some ultrawide variants of this resolution go up to 49 inches in size with 5,120-by-1,440-pixel resolution, which is great for multitaskers, who will be able to keep several windows open onscreen, side by side, at once, or stretch a spreadsheet out. Ultrawide models are a good alternative to a multi-monitor array.

UHD resolution, also known as 4K (3,840 by 2,160 pixels), is a boon to graphic designers and photographers. UHD monitors are available in a variety of sizes ranging from 24 inches up. However, for everyday productivity use, UHD is mostly practical only at sizes of 32 inches and up. Multi-windowing at 4K and smaller screen sizes will tend to lead to some quite small text.